About Hide and Chic Canada
Our passion for cow hides goes quite a while back. We used to import hides from Buenos Aires, Argentina, the "capital of leather". However, through our travels, we came upon the best curtiembres, tanners from Bogota, Colombia. Their superior technique far surpassed anything we had ever seen. Unique patterns, supple leather, outstanding quality. That's basically how we can sum up our business offering. Guaranteed wows!
Although this site is meant to showcase some of our products, nothing equals seeing and touching them in person!
For that reason, please give us a call and we will be happy to bring them to your location or have you over at our place, in the beautiful Beaver Valley just 4km north of Kimberley. Only 2 hours north of the GTA and 20 minutes from Collingwood.
Hope to hear from you!
Alain & Jocelyn
[email protected]
Although this site is meant to showcase some of our products, nothing equals seeing and touching them in person!
For that reason, please give us a call and we will be happy to bring them to your location or have you over at our place, in the beautiful Beaver Valley just 4km north of Kimberley. Only 2 hours north of the GTA and 20 minutes from Collingwood.
Hope to hear from you!
Alain & Jocelyn
[email protected]